ITIL® bøger

Bøger til ITIL® kurserne

  • ITIL® 4 - A Pocket Guide

    Varenr. 7159 - ISBN 978-94-018-0439-4

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    This pocket guide delivers a concise summary of ITIL® 4 and is based on the ITIL® Foundation, ITIL® 4 edition.

    This pocket guide will provide readers with an understanding of the ITIL® 4 service management framework. 

    All requirements for the ITIL 4 Foundation exam are covered in this pocket guide. If you're not preparing for the exam, it offers a quick reference to the basic concepts of ITIL® 4. 


    DKK 275,00


    DKK 300,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® Foundation, ITIL® 4 edition

    Varenr. 7158

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The guide covers key concepts of service management, the four dimensions of service management, the ITIL® service value system, ITIL management practices.

    The guide covers key concepts of service management, the four dimensions of service management, the ITIL® service value system, ITIL® management practices.

    ITIL® Foundation, ITIL 4 Edition will:

    • provide readers with an understanding of the ITIL® 4 service management framework and how it has evolved to adopt modern technologies and ways of working
    • explain the new holistic end-to-end view of service creation to support candidates studying for the ITIL® 4 Foundation exam
    • act as a reference guide that practitioners can use in their work, further studies and professional development.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4 Create, Deliver and Support

    Varenr. 7160 - ISBN 978-01-133-1632-8

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    Create, Deliver and Support forms one publication in the essential supporting guidance for the Managing Professional certification pathway.

    This guide covers 'core' service management activities and focusses on the integration of different value streams and activities to create, deliver and support IT-enabled products and services whilst also covering supporting practices, methods and tools.

    ITIL® 4 Managing Professional: Create, Deliver and Support will:

    • enable IT practitioners to continue to deliver innovative yet reliable tech-enabled services to their customers in an increasingly competitive market

    • cover service performance and will give practitioners an understanding of service quality and improvement methods

    • act as a reference guide that practitioners can use in their work, further studies and professional development.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan and Improve

    Varenr. 7161 - ISBN 978-01-133-1644-1

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    Direct, Plan and Improve forms one publication in the essential supporting guidance for the Managing Professional certification pathway.

    Key Features

    This guide covers practical skills necessary to create a 'learning and improving' IT organisation, with a strong and effective strategic direction.

    ITIL® 4 Managing Professional: Direct, Plan and Improve will:

    cover the influence and impact of Agile and Lean ways of working, and how they can be leveraged to advantage

    provide practitioners with a practical and strategic method for planning and delivering continual improvement with the necessary agility

    act as a reference guide that practitioners can use in their work, further studies and professional development.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4 Drive Stakeholder Value

    Varenr. 7162 - ISBN 978-01-133-1636-6

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The ITIL® 4: Drive Stakeholder Value book forms one publication of the Higher-Level guidance, following ITIL® 4 Foundation.

    Key Features

    Ideal for professionals who are focused on customer experience, user journeys or are responsible for external relationship management

    • Ensure high customer satisfaction levels
    • Optimize the customer experience
    • Create a trusted relationship with stakeholders
    • Improve relationships and reach mutual outcomes

    Helps you pass your Drive Stakeholder Value exam

    Reference guidance for day-to-day problems for IT Professionals


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4 High-velocity IT

    Varenr. 7163 - ISBN 978-01-133-1640-3

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The ITIL® 4: High-velocity IT book forms one publication of the Higher-Level guidance, following ITIL® 4 Foundation.

    Key Features

    Ideal for professionals who are working in digital transformation projects and towards high-velocity environments

    • Improve the relationship between business and IT
    • Embed effective digital services
    • Build stability within complex situations
    • Increase speed and quality of service delivery with continual improvement

    Helps you pass your High-velocity IT exam
    Reference guidance for day-to-day problems for IT Professionals


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4: Digital and IT Strategy

    Varenr. 7164 - ISBN 978-01-133-1648-9

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The ITIL® 4: Digital and IT Strategy forms one publication of the Higher-Level guidance towards the Strategic Leader designation, following ITIL 4 Foundation.

    Key Features

    Ideal for digital leaders and aspiring IT leaders who wish to shape IT and business strategy and drive organizational change through:

    • A structured and flexible approach for addressing service management challenges
    • Practical skills for competing with disruption, reshaping strategy, adapting processes, and repurposing entire business models to combat challenges of the digital world

    Helps you pass your Digital and IT Strategy exam towards Strategic Leader status

    Reference guidance for day-to-day problems for IT Professionals


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4: Acquiring and Managing Cloud Services

    Varenr. 7165 - ISBN 978-9925-34-006-4

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The ITIL® 4: Acquiring and Managing Cloud Services

    Key Features

    The ITIL Specialist: Acquiring & Managing Cloud Services guidance is for anyone requiring vendor-neutral, user-centric guidance on developing a practical understanding of how cloud procurement and technology can integrate with and support broader business strategy and functions, regardless of sector, industry, or cloud maturity. It explores the concept of the 'cloud services user journey' which aligns key ITIL concepts such as Guiding Principles and the Service Value Chain to provide a holistic view and understanding of the entire procurement lifecycle.

    ITIL 4 Specialist: Acquiring and Managing Cloud Services enables professionals to:

    • Analyze available solutions and potential benefits using a vendor-neutral approach.
    • Effectively identify, select and deliver optimized cloud services.
    • Facilitate value co-creation through sucessful cloud services procurement and integration whilst applyinf the ITIL 4 framework. 
    • Adopt a customer-focused end-to-end cloud procurement user journey.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4: Sustainability in Digital and IT

    Varenr. 7166 - ISBN 978-9925-600-53-3

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    The ITIL® 4: Sustainability in Digital and IT

    Key Features

    The ITIL 4 Specialist: Sustainability in Digital & IT guidance is for anyone looking to understand the role IT and digitally enabled services have in relation to the environment, whilst exploring opportunities to positively impact it. Based on the ITIL 4 framework, the module highlights key sustainability competencies and capabilities that service organizations should develop and build capacity within their teams to effectively address current and future sustainability challenges; including providing a framework to support organizations during procurement and supply chain activities, which can help interactions across the supply chain to practice sustainable IT.

    ITIL 4 Specialist: Sustainability in Digital & IT enables professionals to:

    • Understand how to use the ITIL guiding principles to deliver value by creating sustainable digitally enabled products and services.
    • Effectively address VUCA challenges through sustainable strategies, .procurement, products and practices.
    • Obtain a practical grounding in the key principles of sustainability.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • ITIL® 4: IT Asset Management

    Varenr. 7167 - ISBN 978-9925-34-128-3

    Hardback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    ITIL® 4: IT Asset Management

    Fordelene ved IT asset management er mere omfattende og holistiske for den moderne digitale organisation end nogensinde før. ITIL® 4: IT Asset Management (ITAM) undersøger vigtigheden af at styre omkostninger og risici, overvåge og sikre overholdelse og god styring af it-aktiver.

    Denne bog er udviklet sammen med det globale samfund af ITIL-praktikere og giver både strategisk og praktisk vejledning i bedste praksis for at hjælpe organisationer.

    Forstå værdien af ITAM samt dens nøglebegreber og udfordringer og bruge disse til at fremme effektiv økonomisk forvaltning og styringskontrolomkostninger, styre risici og overvåge og sikre overholdelsesstøtte effektiv beslutningstagning om købet, genbrug, udfasning og bortskaffelse af it-aktiver evaluere bæredygtigheden af nedlukning og bortskaffelse af it-aktiver.

    Definere ITAM-roller, ansvar, viden og færdigheder planlægge og administrere hele livscyklussen for alle it-aktiver automatisere ITAM-aktiviteter effektivt anvende ITAM-målinger og øve succesfaktorer for at forbedre ydeevnemåling, vurdere og udvikle ITAM-kapacitet ved hjælp af ITIL-modenhedsmodellen.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

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