PRINCE2® bøger

Bøger til PRINCE2® kurserne

  • PRINCE2® 7 - Projektledelse med succes

    Varenr. 7324 - ISBN 978-9925-34-874-9

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    PRINCE2® 7 er en praktisk og struktureret tilgang designet til at gøre effektiv projektstyring lettere. Det tilbyder en klar metode for organisationer til succesfuldt at styre projekter, introducere nye produkter eller tjenester og drive transformerende forandring.

    Hvis du skal på et PRINCE2® 7 Foundation eller Practitioner kursus, er det denne bog du skal vælge.

    PRINCE2®-metoden er alsidig og globalt anvendelig. Fleksibel og tilpasningsdygtig til at passe enhver organisations behov, og den kan skræddersyes til ethvert projekt, uanset størrelse, formål eller branche.

    PRINCE2® 7 adresserer ændringer i projektledelsessektoren og tilpasser sig udviklende arbejdsmetoder og teknologier. Med et centralt fokus på personaleledelse omfatter den også digital og datastyring og inkorporerer bæredygtig praksis.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • PRINCE2 Agile®

    Varenr. 7320 - ISBN 978-0-11-331467-6

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    PRINCE2® Agile combines the flexibility and responsiveness of agile delivery with the established and proven best practice framework of the world’s most recognized project management method.

    If you are going on a PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner course, this is the book you should choose.

    The new guidance explicitly shows how this compatibility can be exploited by organizations harnessing both PRINCE2® and agile, equipping them with the required skills and processes to successfully deliver projects to meet customer requirements in today’s fast paced and rapidly changing business environments.

    PRINCE2® Agile will guide practitioners on how to apply agile methods to PRINCE2® in the most effective way to produce a perfect blend of best practices. The new guidance covers the most comprehensive range of agile frameworks of any project management qualification, including Scrum, Kanban and the more recent approaches including Lean Start-up and Cynefin.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

  • PRINCE2® 7 Managing Successful Projects

    Varenr. 7326 - ISBN 978-9925-34-460-4

    Paperback. Leveres af DAO. Der tillægges fragt ved kassen.

    PRINCE2® 7 is a practical and structured approach designed to facilitate effective project management. It offers a clear method for organizations to successfully manage projects, introduce novel products or services, and drive transformative change.

    If you are going on a PRINCE2® 7 Foundation or Practitioner course, this is the book you should choose.

    The PRINCE2® method is versatile and universally applicable. Flexible and adaptable to suit the needs of any organization, it can be tailored to any project, regardless of size, purpose, or industry.
    PRINCE2® 7 addresses changes in the project management sector and adapts to evolving working practices and technologies. With a central focus on people management, it also embraces Digital and Data Management and incorporates sustainable practices.


    DKK 650,00


    DKK 700,00

    Pr. stk. ekskl. moms

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