Our Course Guarantee

With our course guarantee, you are guaranteed a good and professionally held course, where we make sure that everyone gets a solid learning outcome

Read more about our course guarantee
APMG Change Management forandringsledelse kurser

Exam guarantee

If your course ends with an exam, we help you to both understand and pass. Our courses are built to impart an understanding that enables you to use what you've learned when you return to the workplace. And the material is selected so that all exam-relevant material is reviewed.

Should you not get over the exam bump in the first attempt, we offer a free course in preparation for your re-exam, so you only have to pay for the re-exam. The offer is valid for 6 months from the end of the course. You get a place on the next open course of the same type, if there are places available.

Investment protection

If an employee leaves the company within 12 months after a given exam in terms of an open course, his/her substitute will be able to attend a similar open course at half price. The exam is not included.


Accredited course organization
Our processes and organization are accredited by several Examination Institutes and are audited annually. This is your insurance for correct handling of your registrations, exams and results – and also your guarantee that we are a proper course partner with control over our administration.


Our courses always run!
We aim to run all courses according to plan, taking into account the participants' professional benefit. Therefore, you can register for an open course with peace of mind (see the course calendar) with the expectation that the course will be completed. If the course cannot be completed for educational or professional reasons, we will offer you a place on the next course at no additional cost.

PRINCE2 Practitioner kurser hos MetierWestergaard

Educational course materials

Our self-developed course materials are based on healthy adult pedagogy. The materials support dialogue teaching and a high degree of interactivity and thus help to ensure good results both in terms of understanding the material and in terms of passing the exam. We guarantee that all materials for certification courses are approved and accredited by external authorities before they are used in teaching.


Special exam help

We can offer a specially adapted course for individuals or small groups. The courses are tailored to the participants and have a very high success rate.

You can always contact us if you need guidance on how to get through the exam in the most efficient way.

Call the expert

When you return home from a course, the material must be converted into an internship in your own company. You can call your instructor one month after the end of the course and get advice and guidance on how to do this.