Professional Scrum Product Owner

Gain the PSPO-I certificate from

This Product Owner course gives you a certificate. The training is highly relevant for you who are interested in working as a product owner in an agile organsiation. 

Focus throughout the training is on combining methods with hands on exercises and cases. There are no prerequisites for participating in this course.

2 days practical training days. 

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Product Owner kursus

Learn to work as a Professionel Product Owner to realize high value for your customers and your organization

This course allows you to become Product Owner certified (from You learn the relevant principles, values, methods and tools that you need to create maximum value for your customers and your organization.

During the course you will learn, among other things:

  • The value of working agile as well as insight into different agile methods and value sets
  • How to work in an agile scrum team with processes, events and measurements and what roles there are
  • How to work specifically as a Product Owner - including definition of vision, product strategy, preparation of roadmap, prioritization of backlog, interaction with stakeholders, collaboration with other Product Owners, Scrum Masters and others in the team or outside the team.

This course teaches you the relevant methods and you gain insight into the Product Owner role - but you also get ample opportunity for practical training - where we try out the role with practical exercises!

You leave the course with the skills to lead a scrum team in an agile organization and fulfill the role of Professional Product Owner.

The Professional Product Owner course is a 2-day course and the detailed agenda appears below.

About Product Owner

Achieve a PSPO-I certificate from

This 2 day course gives you both theoretical and practical insight in the PO role.

The certificate is included in the price of the course.

Exam & Certification

• Passing score: 85%

• Time limit: 60 minutes

• Number of Questions: 80

• Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/False

Your benefits

  • An internationally recognized certification as a Professional Product Owner
  • Solid understanding of the agile methods, and understanding of the individual elements of Scrum and how they are used in practice
  • Be able to create maximum value for your company by putting the customer at the center and delivering quickly and efficiently with high quality
  • Be able to work professionally with vision, strategy, roadmap, prioritization and backlog
  • Gain skills to drive change – including acting as a change agent
  • Learn best practices in agile development and delivery with concrete tools and techniques

Workplace benefits

  • An organization – that works and delivers value to customers (and has a plan for this)
  • Faster deliveries adapted to market/customer needs
  • Teams that become able to deliver quality products and take responsibility for development
  • Optimized coherence and understanding of the whole across teams
  • Better performance in teams through better collaboration
  • Change agents who activate a culture where everyone can flourish

Who is the target group?

The course is for anyone who wants better insight and skills within agile and would like to obtain an internationally recognized certification as a Product Owner.

  • Intended for anyone involved in product development using Scrum.
  • It is especially beneficial if you are responsible for or contribute to getting the most out of scrum in your organization, this can be as a scrum master, manager/team leader or scrum team member.
  • The course is also relevant for those who want to better understand the agile principles and methods.


There are no formal requirements for participation in the course.
But it is an advantage, but not a requirement, that you have knowledge of agile project management or agile development


  1. DAY 1

    Lesson 1: Agile introduction

    • What is agile and why is it relevant?
    • A Brief History of Agile
    • A shift in values
    • The agile manifesto and principles
    • Problems many companies are facing
    • Waterfall vs. Agile
    • Agile frameworks

    Lesson 2: Scrum Basics

    • The Scrum framework
    • Scrum theory is based on empiricism
    • The three pillars of Scrum
    • Scrum values
    • Scrum terms 

    Lesson 3: Scrum Roles

    • The Scrum team
    • Product owner
    • Scrum master
    • Development team

    Lesson 4: Team Charter

    • Team Charter elements
    • Team Charter canvas
  2. DAY 2

    Lesson 5: Scrum Artifacts

    • Product backlog
    • Sprint Backlog
    • Increment

    Lesson 6: Scrum Events

    • Sprint
    • Sprint planning
    • Daily scrum
    • Sprint review
    • Sprint retrospective

    Lesson 7: Sizing

    • Estimation
    • Modified Fibonacci sequence
    • Planning Poker

    Lesson 8: Value-Driven Product Management

    • Product Strategy, Vision, and Planning
    • Defining Product Value
    • Validating Product Assumptions
    • Core Competencies
    • Working with Stakeholders
    • The Product Owner in a Multi-Scrum Team Environment
    • Product Backlog Management


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